Is this the end of the republic?

Many people myself included voted for Donald Trump with the hope that he could bring a business mind to politics. The hope was get an outsider in who has similar mindset to myself, rather than these political insiders that seem to be extremely out of touch. Even before he has taken office he seems to be following through on campaign promises. While this is great and obviously what his supporters want to see, there is the giant cloud looming over what could potentially be a great presidency.

This cloud is a combination of an outgoing president vowing to stay in DC and stop the new PTOUS, and an almost radical left wing media. It is such an unprecedented thing for a outgoing president to say yet it is not only being treated as business as usual, it is being cheered by much of the media. This anti American sentiment has turned into radicalization of the people who follow the left. You see much of it in everyday life, while the media tells people Trump supporters are evil and fascist. Yet it is the Trump supporters who are afraid to put bumper stickers on their cars because they might be vandalized. They don’t want the wear the red MAGA hats in public for fear of violent retaliation.

The hope was after Trump won things would calm down, he is our president the media can’t continue this despicable smear campaign against an elected president. Obviously they should hold him accountable, and of course he would be on a much shorter leash than Obama. But this doesn’t seem to be the case, the lies have just continued like the campaign never stopped. The only reason you would know the election was over, they don’t talk about Hillary Clinton anymore. Now the inauguration hasn’t happened and I still hold out hope things will get better as time passes but I don’t have much confidence that will be the case.

The reason this is a scary thing is the eventual backlash from people who are just trying to support the country and its administration. I didn’t vote for Obama I didn’t like most of his policy or what he stood for, but being just angry at someone because they supported him? That seems like such a crazy thing to me, I might be upset that you don’t see eye to eye about certain things but just disliking someone because they support a politician. This is the climate that has been created and it can only lead to disaster. The media has created a faction in this country of people who hate their fellow Americans because they voted for the PEOTUS. The really scary thing is these factions are millions of people strong, while many of them haven’t been violent to this point I see the hatred boiling over. They really believe that Trump and his supporters are Nazi fascist racists. It seems like only a matter of time until these people start reacting the way you would expect someone to react when confronting a Nazi.

Then from the other side of things there are two major issues as well. One is that most of this hatred is based on lies. You can’t get into detail about defending a lie because there is no truth to it so it is hard to talk about. When you are dealing with someone who refuses to believe/admit it’s a lie where can to go from there? The other issue is the absurd notion that anyone who doesn’t agree with you politically is racist. They planted this seed a long time ago, I remember worrying about this during the Obama campaign in 08. There would be conversations where I would question a policy he was proposing and I would immediately be called a racist. The reason for me being a racist? Was it the policy was going to help the black community and I was trying to stop that? No it was simply because I was questioning Obama. That is a recipe for disaster, this sort of character assassination only works for so long. The next step is exactly what is playing out right now. The people being called racist get tired of defending it so they brush it off as the ridiculous accusation it is, so now the person calling the name thinks that its being embraced, therefore upping their hatred ten fold. When you have tens of millions of people being told they should hate tens of millions of other people in their own country I just don’t know how that ends well.