What do they do when the story is actually damaging?

Tucker Carlson covered a story on Friday, about freelance reporter Yashar Ali talking about the head of NBC Political programing bullying him on behalf of the DNC.

This was all over a scoop Ali got about the dates of the DNC debates. He even admits in his thread it’s not exactly a huge story or even a damaging one, just a small bit of information he got before anyone else. This is obviously completely inappropriate for a “News” person of any capacity, especially someone who is overseeing all political coverage for two major networks to act. This is pointed out by Ali who is not exactly a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. After seeing this the real question everyone and especially viewers of these networks should be, what do they do when they get a really damaging story against anyone associated with the DNC?

This has been going on for years but was exacerbated by the Obama administration. Most people during that time seemed to think the love affair with the media and Obama was mostly due to his historical significance.  While the major media outlets have almost always run cover for democrats. They normally occasionally would run negative stories, too give the air of some sort of impartiality. Then Obama came along, all the sudden after months of zero negative coverage no one asked any questions. All media followed suite, no late-night comedy skits making fun of Obama, Family Guy wouldn’t even touch him. Does the average democrat ever ask themselves this simple question….”Is it really possible that President Obama never did anything wrong, and is everything that President Trump does really wrong?” If this is even slightly incorrect than almost everything they have seen in mainstream media for the last ten years is at the very least inaccurate.

Now for the real question, if someone as high up in NBC is doing the bidding of the DNC on something as inconsequential as a leak of the primary debate dates…….what do they do when there is something really damaging to the party? You would have to think if they get the story it just gets buried but what happens when one of these freelancers gets one? What sort of threats are thrown at them so they won’t hurt the party? Are they threaten with blacklisting never to be given work again by these major networks? The only conclusion you can honestly come to after this story is, they are probably willing to go to extreme lengths to protect the party. If they are willing to do something this unethical just to save the party from some slight inconvenience.

Is this the end of the republic?

Many people myself included voted for Donald Trump with the hope that he could bring a business mind to politics. The hope was get an outsider in who has similar mindset to myself, rather than these political insiders that seem to be extremely out of touch. Even before he has taken office he seems to be following through on campaign promises. While this is great and obviously what his supporters want to see, there is the giant cloud looming over what could potentially be a great presidency.

This cloud is a combination of an outgoing president vowing to stay in DC and stop the new PTOUS, and an almost radical left wing media. It is such an unprecedented thing for a outgoing president to say yet it is not only being treated as business as usual, it is being cheered by much of the media. This anti American sentiment has turned into radicalization of the people who follow the left. You see much of it in everyday life, while the media tells people Trump supporters are evil and fascist. Yet it is the Trump supporters who are afraid to put bumper stickers on their cars because they might be vandalized. They don’t want the wear the red MAGA hats in public for fear of violent retaliation.

The hope was after Trump won things would calm down, he is our president the media can’t continue this despicable smear campaign against an elected president. Obviously they should hold him accountable, and of course he would be on a much shorter leash than Obama. But this doesn’t seem to be the case, the lies have just continued like the campaign never stopped. The only reason you would know the election was over, they don’t talk about Hillary Clinton anymore. Now the inauguration hasn’t happened and I still hold out hope things will get better as time passes but I don’t have much confidence that will be the case.

The reason this is a scary thing is the eventual backlash from people who are just trying to support the country and its administration. I didn’t vote for Obama I didn’t like most of his policy or what he stood for, but being just angry at someone because they supported him? That seems like such a crazy thing to me, I might be upset that you don’t see eye to eye about certain things but just disliking someone because they support a politician. This is the climate that has been created and it can only lead to disaster. The media has created a faction in this country of people who hate their fellow Americans because they voted for the PEOTUS. The really scary thing is these factions are millions of people strong, while many of them haven’t been violent to this point I see the hatred boiling over. They really believe that Trump and his supporters are Nazi fascist racists. It seems like only a matter of time until these people start reacting the way you would expect someone to react when confronting a Nazi.

Then from the other side of things there are two major issues as well. One is that most of this hatred is based on lies. You can’t get into detail about defending a lie because there is no truth to it so it is hard to talk about. When you are dealing with someone who refuses to believe/admit it’s a lie where can to go from there? The other issue is the absurd notion that anyone who doesn’t agree with you politically is racist. They planted this seed a long time ago, I remember worrying about this during the Obama campaign in 08. There would be conversations where I would question a policy he was proposing and I would immediately be called a racist. The reason for me being a racist? Was it the policy was going to help the black community and I was trying to stop that? No it was simply because I was questioning Obama. That is a recipe for disaster, this sort of character assassination only works for so long. The next step is exactly what is playing out right now. The people being called racist get tired of defending it so they brush it off as the ridiculous accusation it is, so now the person calling the name thinks that its being embraced, therefore upping their hatred ten fold. When you have tens of millions of people being told they should hate tens of millions of other people in their own country I just don’t know how that ends well.

Why the left and the media are in panic mode

The left and the media have been in panic mode for a while now. They started to get more wild and bent out of shape the closer we got to the election. Making completely baseless claims about Trump and his past, stirring up race issues then accusing Trump of being the cause. Even going as far as sending people to Trump rallies and having them act violent. Then the media claim it was Trump and his supporters who were at fault. The question is why? Why are the media the left and even some Republican politicians so hell bent on destroying Trump? They say it’s because he’s divisive and racist and just going to be horrible for the country. But is that really the case?

It seems more likely that they are afraid he might actually do some good.  If you think about it most of Trumps campaign was based on telling people he was going to correct a lot of issues. Issues that have been created by both parties. He didn’t run a campaign as a Republican or a Democrat he ran as a fixer. There was no promise to prop up a party the promise was to lift up America. It was almost more like he was in an interview and he was telling Americans how he could fix their company. He wasn’t just trying to appeal to his parties base, he was talking to everyone.

This reminds me of when I have discussed politics with my friends, we don’t agree on most things but the one thing we do agree on is we want what’s best for everyone. When it comes down too it most people don’t just want what’s best for themselves or certain groups, they would like to see everyone succeed. It is only when politicians and the media get involved that people devolve into these specific interest groups. And this division is only increased when the media paints the other side as evil. This is how you get people in cities like Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit to constantly elect people from the same party making the same or similar promises.

Trump wasn’t saying the same tired old things that we are used to hearing from politicians. This is why the media bent over backwards to stop people from listening to him. Most people I know who can’t stand Trump and think he is going to be this horrible dictator, didn’t listen to a single one of his speeches. Myself included, I was on the fence about Trump even after he won the candidacy until I heard him speak. It was different he was talking about things I never heard a Republican talk about, things I feel are important.

And this is exactly why the media is in panic mode. If Trump does just some of what he talked about wanting to do, the politician as we know it is dead in the water. This is why you see the media and politicians working together trying to undermine him. They are trying to cling to their one party system where they divide the country up into little groups and pander accordingly.

President Trump took away our emotions

One very overlooked aspect of the Trump effect and something that slingshot him to the White House was, he removed the emotion from the argument. One deeply rooted tactic of the left was to use what their entire ideology is based on against people on the right, emotion. They will call people bigot, racist, misogynist and so on, this is effective for two reasons. One it gets people on the left worked up against whomever it is they are attacking. It also immediately puts the person that is being attacked on the defensive and turns the debate into an emotional battle. The interesting part about this tactic is it usually only works if the person who is being attacked isn’t guilty of the accusation. Most people who truly are racist or misogynistic wouldn’t be bother this, but against someone who is not and also dislikes those ideologies it is extremely effective.

When President Trump was being attacked on a daily basis with these usually tactics he just stayed on message. He rarely if ever acknowledged the attacks. Because of that he was accused of not being a “polished” politician. This need to be “polished” is exactly why the right couldn’t win the last two elections. Since the campaign by Obama was run mostly on if you attack him at all we will call you a racist, the right never stayed on message. They were constantly backtracking and trying to defend themselves against these claims no matter how baseless they may have been. So not only did this empower the base of the left but it made people on the right feel like their party was out of sync.

Trump was able to defeat this tactic by staying on message no matter what attacks were thrown at him. By doing this he also empowered a lot of people who used to shy away from sharing their opinions and the facts that created those opinions.  No longer was the left able to shut people down by just calling them names. President Trump made it clear that someone calling you something doesn’t make it so, if you stay on message they can’t shut you up. By removing the emotion and just talking about the facts their tactic becomes useless.

This lack of “polish” not only got him to the White House but it empowered a lot of people who felt voiceless. This is not just white males like the media would have you believe. It is all enemies of the left such as black conservatives. Women who don’t feed into the feminist movement. Legal immigrants who came to America to have a better life for themselves and their children. All of these groups who are supposed to be protected by the left but get attacked the first time they refuse to fall in line. This is who President Trump gave a voice during his campaign, and is why he won the White House.