
This word is used a lot the last few months with regards to our new POTUS. Major news networks, late night comics and social media, have all described many of President Trumps actions as unprecedented. But when you actually look into those claims you will find, there actually is something unprecedented going on, but it is not anything being done by the President. Most of the actions and orders being issued by President Trump to this point are pretty benign. Many of these actions including the “travel ban”, which is being portrayed as some grossly racist action were also implemented by his predecessor without a peep from the media. What is unprecedented is the complete and seemingly blind defiance against the new administration from both the media and sitting politicians.

Anytime a new administration takes office and we see a transition to a new party there is inevitably some push back from the other side. Many times the sitting politicians in the house and senate will use this chance to appear to be “standing up” for their constituents against the new administration. Usually this is done fairly quietly with little to no media coverage. Now in the past if you were a political junky you could defiantly follow these events but you normally had to seek them out. The average American used to go out vote, and then leave the politics up to the politicians. Now there was some hype post-election in ’09 but that didn’t last very long and things went back to normal after a few weeks.

We are a full month into the Trump presidency and other than never hearing about Hillary you would never know the election ended. The attacks have never stopped whether it is the MSM or some actor at an awards ceremony there is just constant bashing of the new POTUS and the people who voted him into office. Maybe the worst part of the whole situation is most of these attacks are based on flat out lies.

The “travel ban”, this is one of the biggest lies that has been told even by politicians. The statement “Muslim ban” was used by more than one politician when talking about the executive action to restrict travel from 7 countries. There is a link below to the executive order you can follow yourself, I did a search on the page and the word Muslim does not show up even once in the order. If you are a politician and you make a statement as inflammatory as accusing the POTUS of excluding entry into the country based on religion, you better know what the hell you are talking about. These leftist want to talk about inflammatory rhetoric they better look in the mirror. When idiots like late night comics or celebrities on social media do this, while it is still stupid and irresponsible. But for politicians this should be career ending. It shows they either didn’t read the order before making a statement or they purposely lied and either one is unacceptable, the MSM should be held to a similar standard.

If you want to see unprecedented look at this…..


There is this blind push back by the media, celebrities and people in the general public that is just flat out scary. Why are these, many of who are very powerful people so against President Trump. Most of them don’t make clear arguments as to what they hate so much, most of which is based in hypothetical scenarios. These scenarios often created off of lies about the Presidents views than anything he has actually said he wants to get done.

Then you have the push back by the public which seems to be mostly from a loud and violent minority. One exception to that which got a lot of participation was the women’s march. Although I believe that was more from the name than it actually being anti President Trump, who doesn’t want women to have equal rights and opportunities? I doubt it would have gotten as much participation had they named it as a counter to The March for life (which it was) that happened the next week. I don’t think the “March for death” would have been attended as well. The signs and interviews at the march were very confusing. Most of the signs didn’t really have anything about policy or rights that women wanted but did not have. Most were just vulgar and seemed to be an excuse to write pussy on a sign in big letters and carry it around in public. Many of the interviews at these rallies were met with people who didn’t seem to know why they were there, well not with any specifics anyway. The most articulate argument that was being made was about the wage gap, which has been debunked on more than one occasion. (Links below)

This lack of understanding seems to be a theme at many of these protest. When someone tries to get a reason from one of the participants it is almost always met with talking points or just “NAZI RACIST FACIST” and no substance. It just seems like if you are going to take time out of your day and risk going to jail you might want to at least have some depth of understanding as to why you are there.

So while there are many unprecedented things going on in the country today, it has a very different source than CNN or MSNBC would have you believe.

Executive order 


Wage gap 


http://time.com/3222543/wage-pay-gap-myth-feminism/ #5

Blitzkrieg by the left

Starting early on in the Trump campaign this became the apparent strategy by the left. While they have been doing this for years it seems to have been turned up as of late. They will just fire off as many attacks, true or not to try and overwhelm anyone who has a different viewpoint. This usually becomes much more apparent when having a one on one conversation with someone. Many people on the left now a days will just throw out as many talking points as they can without the ability to back any of them up. You want to discuss one topic the second they can’t defend their point they will start talking about 10 other things so the conversation never goes into any depth.  This is also why many of these conversations devolve into just being called racist or something that ends in phobic.

One good public example of this is Tucker Carlson, he has become a champion of the right and it’s for one simple reason. He forces his guests to stay on topic, he never allows them to pull the conversation to some unrelated subject. This many times results in a meltdown or some sort of fit thrown by the guest because they can’t defend their position.

Many of these people can’t handle when someone questions their point of view, for 8 years and probably longer they just fired off their opions with no worry that anyone would question them. This has manifested into lazy and inept journalist who seem to be more interested in writing about their own thoughts and feelings rather than reporting facts. Facts actually seem to be the enemy of many of these people, just today there was a meltdown that President Trump will be releasing a monthly report with crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Why would that upset you unless you know there is an illegal immigrant crime problem? If you know that is the case why are you, not only saying otherwise but also calling anyone who believes so a racist?

Is this the end of the republic?

Many people myself included voted for Donald Trump with the hope that he could bring a business mind to politics. The hope was get an outsider in who has similar mindset to myself, rather than these political insiders that seem to be extremely out of touch. Even before he has taken office he seems to be following through on campaign promises. While this is great and obviously what his supporters want to see, there is the giant cloud looming over what could potentially be a great presidency.

This cloud is a combination of an outgoing president vowing to stay in DC and stop the new PTOUS, and an almost radical left wing media. It is such an unprecedented thing for a outgoing president to say yet it is not only being treated as business as usual, it is being cheered by much of the media. This anti American sentiment has turned into radicalization of the people who follow the left. You see much of it in everyday life, while the media tells people Trump supporters are evil and fascist. Yet it is the Trump supporters who are afraid to put bumper stickers on their cars because they might be vandalized. They don’t want the wear the red MAGA hats in public for fear of violent retaliation.

The hope was after Trump won things would calm down, he is our president the media can’t continue this despicable smear campaign against an elected president. Obviously they should hold him accountable, and of course he would be on a much shorter leash than Obama. But this doesn’t seem to be the case, the lies have just continued like the campaign never stopped. The only reason you would know the election was over, they don’t talk about Hillary Clinton anymore. Now the inauguration hasn’t happened and I still hold out hope things will get better as time passes but I don’t have much confidence that will be the case.

The reason this is a scary thing is the eventual backlash from people who are just trying to support the country and its administration. I didn’t vote for Obama I didn’t like most of his policy or what he stood for, but being just angry at someone because they supported him? That seems like such a crazy thing to me, I might be upset that you don’t see eye to eye about certain things but just disliking someone because they support a politician. This is the climate that has been created and it can only lead to disaster. The media has created a faction in this country of people who hate their fellow Americans because they voted for the PEOTUS. The really scary thing is these factions are millions of people strong, while many of them haven’t been violent to this point I see the hatred boiling over. They really believe that Trump and his supporters are Nazi fascist racists. It seems like only a matter of time until these people start reacting the way you would expect someone to react when confronting a Nazi.

Then from the other side of things there are two major issues as well. One is that most of this hatred is based on lies. You can’t get into detail about defending a lie because there is no truth to it so it is hard to talk about. When you are dealing with someone who refuses to believe/admit it’s a lie where can to go from there? The other issue is the absurd notion that anyone who doesn’t agree with you politically is racist. They planted this seed a long time ago, I remember worrying about this during the Obama campaign in 08. There would be conversations where I would question a policy he was proposing and I would immediately be called a racist. The reason for me being a racist? Was it the policy was going to help the black community and I was trying to stop that? No it was simply because I was questioning Obama. That is a recipe for disaster, this sort of character assassination only works for so long. The next step is exactly what is playing out right now. The people being called racist get tired of defending it so they brush it off as the ridiculous accusation it is, so now the person calling the name thinks that its being embraced, therefore upping their hatred ten fold. When you have tens of millions of people being told they should hate tens of millions of other people in their own country I just don’t know how that ends well.

Fake news

When I saw this push to censor “fake news” on Facebook because it got Trump elected I had one thought. “Looks like it might be time to delete my Facebook account.” It became immediately clear this was just another fascist left wing push to censor anyone who doesn’t share and push their agenda. I am perfectly aware that there are plenty of fake stories from both sides. But shutting down news that is deemed fake by some outside source, this just reeks of state run media.

Here are the facts, we live in a world where much of our news is procured from the internet. Having grown up along side the internet it was always a joke “But I saw it on the internet so it must be true!”. When did this stop being the case? When did we decide that unless something is fact it shouldn’t be on the internet? The way people used to combat this was by doing their own research, or relying on news that cited sources. I prefer the latter since it is easy for someone to provide links inside of their news articles that can be followed up on.

I have a theory as to why the need to censor “fake news” was triggered by a Trump victory and it isn’t what the media is saying. When Trump first entered the GOP race I didn’t know much about him, obviously I knew who he was but outside of rich and successful I didn’t know much else. Then I started hearing these awful things about how bad of a person he was and racist and so on. Now being conservative leaning libertarian in most of my views I don’t put much stock in any of the mainstream media.

This left me with one choice go out and do my own research and be sure to watch his speeches. As I did this I found that most of what was being reported on him wasn’t true at all. It ranged from flat out lies to misquoting and distorting the truth. While I was already leaning away from the mainstream media this pushed me over the edge. I would guess I get less than 1% of my news from any form of mainstream media be it local or national. I believe this was the case with a lot of people especially as the race to the White House went further and the lies got bigger.

With a Trump victory the media realized they alienated way more people than they thought through this election cycle. Now they are doing the opposite of what they should be doing. This should be a lesson learned situation for them. They should go way back to when they used to report facts and let the people decide for themselves. But instead they are doubling down and trying to discredited any outside media sources. The problem is most people went to these media sources with skepticism, so they were already fact checking. We know these people aren’t lying to us because they never had and then exploited credibility like the mainstream media.

The best way to combat fake news is to treat all news like it’s coming from the internet. While people may not like it, it is the world we live in you need to do some leg work if you want reliable information.

Reactions to a Facebook post: How the left is disconnected from Trump supporters

About 3 days after the election I posted on Facebook (Picture of the post below) basically pointing out how I am seeing a lot of post that generalized all Trump supporters as bigots and racists and so on. Most of the response I got were supportive in nature, mostly from fellow Trump supporters or people who were indifferent. While none of the response I got were nasty or included name calling, I think they did show the disconnect of the left from many Trump supporters.

The first response that got my attention, the post in summery said that I probably wasn’t seeing nasty post from Trump supporters because we agree. And that they had nasty things said to them by Trump supporters.

My first issue with this logic is I never said Trump supporters never say anything wrong. There are bad people on both sides, to not acknowledge that is just being willfully ignorant. The problem is the posts I was talking about were unprovoked attacks. These were post not in response to anyone but just people lashing out at anyone with different beliefs.

I believe most of the nasty response this person was getting were after they commented on pro Trump posts. Again name calling and the like are not called for but a response to a comment and a completely unprovoked post are very different. If I go in and post a negative comment on a pro Hillary post I sort of expect to have some insults thrown my way.

The second response expressed that I won and shouldn’t bother posting things like that, and that the Hillary supporters would police themselves eventually.

My first issue with this stance is that this wasn’t something that just started, now it defiantly escalated post-election but it had been going on for months if not years. While I don’t regret my post one bit, I will be the first to admit it was the culmination of years of frustration. People can dislike it all they want but yes the left calling anyone who disagrees with them racist, bigot, etc. played a role in Trumps victory.

The other thing that provoked me to make this post was just to point out that there are people on the end of your social media insults. I was seeing post from people who I know don’t think the things they were saying about me. But it’s hard for me to not connect the dots that when you say “Anyone who voted for Trump is (Fill in the blank)” you are actually saying “Eric you are a (Fill in the blank)”.

I do think these are two examples of how the left is sort of disconnected from the right, alt right whoever it was that voted for Trump. It’s like sometimes they don’t realize, just ignore or think they are just in their blanket insults. Then they have no problem telling people on the right to just suck it up, while at the same time pander to every SJW that sheds a tear over every micro aggression. And vilifying anyone who isn’t willing to pander to the crybaby SJW’s every whim.



Abolish the Electoral College

This has been much of the rallying call behind the Trump protests. To start the popular vote hasn’t been counted to completion yet. As of the time of this post, it is still a razor thin margin of just about 200k votes. So let’s get this out of the way, no matter what happens Hillary did not have some landslide win with the popular vote. She might not even win it when all is said and done.

Something I find interesting is that there was no issue with the Electoral College when Obama won twice. This is interesting because the left should probably always rally against the Electoral College, there are like 3 major cities that would decide every election. And of course those cities are super liberal.

Something else that people need to understand, if they did indeed abolish the Electoral College that means absolutely nothing as far as this election is concerned.  Do you have any clue how much campaign strategies would change if that were the case? I can’t say exactly but I can say for sure they would change drastically. So arguing after an election is over that the electoral college should go away because it would have changed the outcome of this past election is just…….DUMB.

My letter to Trump haters

I just want to thank all of the people who bashed Trump supporters and called them Racist, Homophobic, Misogynist and everything else. You are the ones that pushed people to vote for him. You helped campaign for him more than any of my facts. You helped more than any leaked emails. With your nasty hatred that’s what people are sick of. And that’s what made last night happen.

As much as you might hate me, even though you were the ones attacking me and my integrity. As much as you might not want to come to states where he won, which I guess would include my house since he won here. And many of you may unfriend me after this post. Like Tupac said “I aint’t mad at cha”.

I didn’t pick who I voted for because of what was between their legs. I didn’t pick him because of a letter behind his name. I didn’t pick him because I thought he was the lesser of two evils. I picked him because I thought he was the best option for all Americans.

So I’m not going to rub it in anyone’s face that he won. I put a lot of time and effort into looking into things and putting stuff out there during this campaign. The purpose of which was not to beat you, or anyone else. It was to elect the person that I felt was best suited to make things better for everyone. So at the end of the day in my mind this is our victory.

Look at all of the violence and hate

I was checking out facebook last night to see some of the post before the election. One post that caught my eye was about, while they weren’t endorsing Trump how could anyone vote for Clinton. That didn’t really surprised me, this has been the persons stance the entire campaign. What surprised me was the lone response.

It was a long post that talked about how corrupt Hillary is but how it’s scary what Trump has brought out in people. There was mention of how he brought racists out of the woodwork and they are so violent. He talked about Trumps ego and temperament and how that makes him unfit to run the country. (The guy that has been in power for 8 yrs has one of the biggest egos in the world) After all that he was going to vote for Hillary.

I have some questions.

Where are the racists? Where are all the videos of the violent racist Trump supporters? I would take videos of one or the other but I have never seen them. You are going to have out-liars here and there of course but where are the multitude of videos that make people say these types of things? I know I have seen plenty of videos of Trump supporters being attacked. These aren’t retaliation attacks these are throwing things at people and destroying their cars and other property.

These are the types of leading the sheep to wolves situations the media has purposely created. People say so many negative things about Trump and his supporters like its fact, yet have no proof or facts to back it up. Is he perfect? No. Are his supporters perfect? No. But when you admit you know someone is as corrupt as Hillary Clinton but say you are still going to vote for her because you heard that Trump and his supporters are violent and racists, that is just sad.

You know what’s sad about the Wikileaks

Most people didn’t get it. The Wikileaks wasn’t about sending anyone to jail. It wasn’t about proving a crime. It wasn’t about showing these people are or aren’t involved in satanic rituals. It was about showing the American people the dirty backroom that is American politics. It was to show the American people that these politicians don’t care about the people, they care about being elected so they can line their pockets.

This is something most people thought was happening but there was never much proof. The point was, show the people these politicians are who you thought they were and the people would rise up. That’s why it makes me sad to hear people saying. “Just ignore the emails ” or “They don’t prove any crimes. ” Why would you ignore facts that are being presented to you? Is that something any rational person does? There hasn’t been any question of the authenticity of these emails so why would you ignore them? Do they need to prove crimes?

It is sad to know many of my fellow Americans are ok with being pawns in a game that is rigged against them.

Explaining “rigged” polls

I have seen a lot of people on both sides trying to say rigged polls aren’t real. It seems that many times people don’t understand what rigged polls means . No one is saying that the numbers are just made up. It’s much more involved than that, the rigging involves over sampling and is easy to prove.

Here is a good example of a rigged poll.

So this poll came out yesterday 11/3/16 and has Hillary up 3pts. As you can see they sampled almost twice as many Democrats as Republicans. Normally in a close race independents tend to decide the election. Trump has a substantial lead with independents yet is still losing because the huge gap between Democrats and Republicans. This also explains why many polls with similar over sampling have gotten much closer the last few days. These same polls had Hillary up 12 or so points just a few days ago. Those numbers have tanked since the new information about the FBI investigation. (Most of the national polls ABC and such have been weighting between +8D-+12D the entire election cycle.)

So for example in 2008 the Democrats had a turnout of about +7 in the general election. This poll is assuming the Democrats will have about a +15 better turnout than in 2008. Does anyone really believe Hillary is more popular than 08 Obama? In most polls weighted +1 or +2 in either direction Trump is winning. These polls are more realistic considering the Republicans had a +1 turnout in the primaries. And remember the Republican primaries were over almost a month before the Democrats.

So why do they do this? There are a few theories.

  1. Its a voter suppression tactic. If Trump supporters only hear he is losing the entire cycle they might be more likely to stay home on election night, thinking its a lost cause.
  2. It covers up any funny business that might go on election night. If she was winning in the polls all along its hard to ask questions if she wins.

So next time you hear someone say polls are rigged just think about this stuff before calling them crazy.