
This is what we get when we don’t hold people accountable for their actions. This was proven by the reaction of the media and even by people inside the Chicago police force. What is their first instinct when something this vial and disgusting happens? Make excuses, try and find ways to not hold the people involved accountable for their actions. My god some news outlets went as far as to blame White supremacy for this disgusting act. As far as the media goes Steven Crowder had the best response, in the video below he talks about how they had a chance to at least redeem themselves a little. Guess what, they blew it.

Then there was the reaction on twitter. Personally I think if #BLMKidnapping didn’t trend this video never gets picked up by the media. I question if charges are even filed if that doesn’t happen. It was just shocking to see the reaction, some people seem to be more outraged that BLM was being associated than they were with the actual crime. Side note the girls Facebook page was littered with BLM propaganda so associating them wasn’t a reach.

This was a mentally handicapped person being bound and assaulted by 4 adults, how is this not universally despised by everyone? How are news outlets getting away with ignoring the crime and instead discussing a # that trended on twitter about the crime? If BLM is so wrongly being associated with this atrocity, will they raise money for the victim? When Trump supporters were framed for burning down that church, they raised money to help with the rebuild. They wanted to show that the actions by an individual does not represent the movement. Of course it later turned out to be a member of the church who was not a Trump supporter that burned it down. If BLM is so outraged about being associated with this disgusting act where is there gesture of good faith? Why don’t they show that those four individuals don’t represent their movement?

There will be no gesture and for two reasons. The first reason being this is what their movement stands for, it is about Black supremacy and violence. The second being the media wont demand it like they would if roles were reversed and the perpetrators were screaming “Fuck Obama” or “Fuck Hillary”. While BLM is a borderline terrorist organization. You want to argue that then explain why for months every time they showed up somewhere violent riots broke out. Since they have been gone so have the riots.  The media is the real culprit here. They aren’t holding anyone accountable for this action. While they spewed the anti white anti police lies of BLM for months, they can’t even bring themselves to question the motives of these 4 individuals. Well outside of them being silly kids making a stupid decision.

These weren’t kids and they didn’t make a bad decision. These are evil individuals who were emboldened by the propaganda being distributed by BLM and given credence by the mainstream media. These are bad and angry people who are having their misplaced anger legitimized on the nightly news. They think there is so much support for their hate, they don’t even think twice about live streaming it to their social media account. And the worst thing is this will not be the last we see of this. Especially with the media making excuses for these people instead of calling them what they are, sociopaths not fit for society.