What do they do when the story is actually damaging?

Tucker Carlson covered a story on Friday, about freelance reporter Yashar Ali talking about the head of NBC Political programing bullying him on behalf of the DNC.

This was all over a scoop Ali got about the dates of the DNC debates. He even admits in his thread it’s not exactly a huge story or even a damaging one, just a small bit of information he got before anyone else. This is obviously completely inappropriate for a “News” person of any capacity, especially someone who is overseeing all political coverage for two major networks to act. This is pointed out by Ali who is not exactly a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. After seeing this the real question everyone and especially viewers of these networks should be, what do they do when they get a really damaging story against anyone associated with the DNC?

This has been going on for years but was exacerbated by the Obama administration. Most people during that time seemed to think the love affair with the media and Obama was mostly due to his historical significance.  While the major media outlets have almost always run cover for democrats. They normally occasionally would run negative stories, too give the air of some sort of impartiality. Then Obama came along, all the sudden after months of zero negative coverage no one asked any questions. All media followed suite, no late-night comedy skits making fun of Obama, Family Guy wouldn’t even touch him. Does the average democrat ever ask themselves this simple question….”Is it really possible that President Obama never did anything wrong, and is everything that President Trump does really wrong?” If this is even slightly incorrect than almost everything they have seen in mainstream media for the last ten years is at the very least inaccurate.

Now for the real question, if someone as high up in NBC is doing the bidding of the DNC on something as inconsequential as a leak of the primary debate dates…….what do they do when there is something really damaging to the party? You would have to think if they get the story it just gets buried but what happens when one of these freelancers gets one? What sort of threats are thrown at them so they won’t hurt the party? Are they threaten with blacklisting never to be given work again by these major networks? The only conclusion you can honestly come to after this story is, they are probably willing to go to extreme lengths to protect the party. If they are willing to do something this unethical just to save the party from some slight inconvenience.