Baltimore shining another bright light on why gun control doesn’t work.

So this week in Baltimore some members of the community are trying to organize a 72hr cease-fire. They are urging the “shooters” as local news calls them because god forbid they call them what they are criminals, to put down their guns for three days. Now I will say this hasn’t happened yet so maybe there will be a surprise stop to the violence in Baltimore but I’m not hopeful. This will just be another example of exactly why gun control laws don’t work. CRIMNIALS DON’T FOLLOW RULES.

Now reading the local story about one of the people trying to organize this….event I guess is what you would call it, is very sad. They grew up in Baltimore around violence particularly gun violence all their life. They are watching it tear their city apart at a record rate this year. I guess they realize this isn’t really going to do anything but they seem willing to try whatever they can to stop the violence. Well anything except vote a different way, while I don’t know this particular person’s political view the large majority of Baltimore residents are left leaning. I just feel like if I saw violence day in a day out it might make me rethink voting how my parents and grandparents voted.

My other question is if anyone really thinks this is going to work why did they stop at three days? Why not a week? Why not a moth? Or best of all forever, it’s like they are just oblivious to the fact that if these gun laws worked and the people they are reaching out to followed them they wouldn’t have the gun to shoot someone in the first place. I just can’t understand how people don’t see it, essentially all this request is, asking these people to follow the law for 3 days. Most of them haven’t done that the majority of their lives and could care less about their fellow citizens why do you think they would listen to you and change now?