Why the left and the media are in panic mode

The left and the media have been in panic mode for a while now. They started to get more wild and bent out of shape the closer we got to the election. Making completely baseless claims about Trump and his past, stirring up race issues then accusing Trump of being the cause. Even going as far as sending people to Trump rallies and having them act violent. Then the media claim it was Trump and his supporters who were at fault. The question is why? Why are the media the left and even some Republican politicians so hell bent on destroying Trump? They say it’s because he’s divisive and racist and just going to be horrible for the country. But is that really the case?

It seems more likely that they are afraid he might actually do some good.  If you think about it most of Trumps campaign was based on telling people he was going to correct a lot of issues. Issues that have been created by both parties. He didn’t run a campaign as a Republican or a Democrat he ran as a fixer. There was no promise to prop up a party the promise was to lift up America. It was almost more like he was in an interview and he was telling Americans how he could fix their company. He wasn’t just trying to appeal to his parties base, he was talking to everyone.

This reminds me of when I have discussed politics with my friends, we don’t agree on most things but the one thing we do agree on is we want what’s best for everyone. When it comes down too it most people don’t just want what’s best for themselves or certain groups, they would like to see everyone succeed. It is only when politicians and the media get involved that people devolve into these specific interest groups. And this division is only increased when the media paints the other side as evil. This is how you get people in cities like Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit to constantly elect people from the same party making the same or similar promises.

Trump wasn’t saying the same tired old things that we are used to hearing from politicians. This is why the media bent over backwards to stop people from listening to him. Most people I know who can’t stand Trump and think he is going to be this horrible dictator, didn’t listen to a single one of his speeches. Myself included, I was on the fence about Trump even after he won the candidacy until I heard him speak. It was different he was talking about things I never heard a Republican talk about, things I feel are important.

And this is exactly why the media is in panic mode. If Trump does just some of what he talked about wanting to do, the politician as we know it is dead in the water. This is why you see the media and politicians working together trying to undermine him. They are trying to cling to their one party system where they divide the country up into little groups and pander accordingly.

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