President Trump took away our emotions

One very overlooked aspect of the Trump effect and something that slingshot him to the White House was, he removed the emotion from the argument. One deeply rooted tactic of the left was to use what their entire ideology is based on against people on the right, emotion. They will call people bigot, racist, misogynist and so on, this is effective for two reasons. One it gets people on the left worked up against whomever it is they are attacking. It also immediately puts the person that is being attacked on the defensive and turns the debate into an emotional battle. The interesting part about this tactic is it usually only works if the person who is being attacked isn’t guilty of the accusation. Most people who truly are racist or misogynistic wouldn’t be bother this, but against someone who is not and also dislikes those ideologies it is extremely effective.

When President Trump was being attacked on a daily basis with these usually tactics he just stayed on message. He rarely if ever acknowledged the attacks. Because of that he was accused of not being a “polished” politician. This need to be “polished” is exactly why the right couldn’t win the last two elections. Since the campaign by Obama was run mostly on if you attack him at all we will call you a racist, the right never stayed on message. They were constantly backtracking and trying to defend themselves against these claims no matter how baseless they may have been. So not only did this empower the base of the left but it made people on the right feel like their party was out of sync.

Trump was able to defeat this tactic by staying on message no matter what attacks were thrown at him. By doing this he also empowered a lot of people who used to shy away from sharing their opinions and the facts that created those opinions.  No longer was the left able to shut people down by just calling them names. President Trump made it clear that someone calling you something doesn’t make it so, if you stay on message they can’t shut you up. By removing the emotion and just talking about the facts their tactic becomes useless.

This lack of “polish” not only got him to the White House but it empowered a lot of people who felt voiceless. This is not just white males like the media would have you believe. It is all enemies of the left such as black conservatives. Women who don’t feed into the feminist movement. Legal immigrants who came to America to have a better life for themselves and their children. All of these groups who are supposed to be protected by the left but get attacked the first time they refuse to fall in line. This is who President Trump gave a voice during his campaign, and is why he won the White House.

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