Russia’s motive

This is a question I have not heard answered by anyone who is accusing Russia of hacking the election. It seems when you are placing such heavy charge against a nation and its leader, you should at least provide some motive to go along with your proof. While most articles on the subject lack both of these things they at least try and provide proof by naming anonymous sources. But it doesn’t seem like they ever try and show what exactly the motive was for this massive hack. There have been a few far fetch completely unsubstantiated claims like Trump and people in his cabinet are Russian agents. Outside of that little has been talked about as to motive for this egregious attack on our democracy.

I would like to pose a question to people who believe that this hack really happened and changed the outcome of our election. Why did they do it? What was the Russian motivation that they would risk starting a war with a major superpower by committing an act of cyber warfare? Let’s just say I believe what you say no proof needed, from here on out I believe that Russia hacked the US election. Why did they do it? I feel like that is a very important question. As you can imagine I have a few theories of my own.

Was it to avoid war? During the debates Hillary said multiple times she would implement a no fly zone in Syria where Russia is conducting raids on what are believed to be ISIS strongholds. That sort of move by the US only goes two ways. One the Russians stop flying in the area and give up on their campaign to defeat ISIS in the area. Two they continue their campaign and the US shoots down their planes. The latter would certainly at the least end in a conflict at worst an all out war.

Did they feel like the current administration is not doing everything it can to defeat ISIS? Many people believed that a Clinton administration was going to be an extension of the Obama administration. There have been questions raised on how the Obama administration ran it campaign against ISIS. Some people felt they weren’t tough enough or being aggressive enough. Most of which can be backed up by how much territory they now control in the Middle East. Could this have been a driving force in the hack?

These are just a few ideas as to why this may have happened. While I never would endorse or be ok with any outside country hacking our government. If this is in fact the case and proof eventually shows up these are some interesting questions that will be asked.

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