Why the left and the media are in panic mode

The left and the media have been in panic mode for a while now. They started to get more wild and bent out of shape the closer we got to the election. Making completely baseless claims about Trump and his past, stirring up race issues then accusing Trump of being the cause. Even going as far as sending people to Trump rallies and having them act violent. Then the media claim it was Trump and his supporters who were at fault. The question is why? Why are the media the left and even some Republican politicians so hell bent on destroying Trump? They say it’s because he’s divisive and racist and just going to be horrible for the country. But is that really the case?

It seems more likely that they are afraid he might actually do some good.  If you think about it most of Trumps campaign was based on telling people he was going to correct a lot of issues. Issues that have been created by both parties. He didn’t run a campaign as a Republican or a Democrat he ran as a fixer. There was no promise to prop up a party the promise was to lift up America. It was almost more like he was in an interview and he was telling Americans how he could fix their company. He wasn’t just trying to appeal to his parties base, he was talking to everyone.

This reminds me of when I have discussed politics with my friends, we don’t agree on most things but the one thing we do agree on is we want what’s best for everyone. When it comes down too it most people don’t just want what’s best for themselves or certain groups, they would like to see everyone succeed. It is only when politicians and the media get involved that people devolve into these specific interest groups. And this division is only increased when the media paints the other side as evil. This is how you get people in cities like Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit to constantly elect people from the same party making the same or similar promises.

Trump wasn’t saying the same tired old things that we are used to hearing from politicians. This is why the media bent over backwards to stop people from listening to him. Most people I know who can’t stand Trump and think he is going to be this horrible dictator, didn’t listen to a single one of his speeches. Myself included, I was on the fence about Trump even after he won the candidacy until I heard him speak. It was different he was talking about things I never heard a Republican talk about, things I feel are important.

And this is exactly why the media is in panic mode. If Trump does just some of what he talked about wanting to do, the politician as we know it is dead in the water. This is why you see the media and politicians working together trying to undermine him. They are trying to cling to their one party system where they divide the country up into little groups and pander accordingly.

President Trump took away our emotions

One very overlooked aspect of the Trump effect and something that slingshot him to the White House was, he removed the emotion from the argument. One deeply rooted tactic of the left was to use what their entire ideology is based on against people on the right, emotion. They will call people bigot, racist, misogynist and so on, this is effective for two reasons. One it gets people on the left worked up against whomever it is they are attacking. It also immediately puts the person that is being attacked on the defensive and turns the debate into an emotional battle. The interesting part about this tactic is it usually only works if the person who is being attacked isn’t guilty of the accusation. Most people who truly are racist or misogynistic wouldn’t be bother this, but against someone who is not and also dislikes those ideologies it is extremely effective.

When President Trump was being attacked on a daily basis with these usually tactics he just stayed on message. He rarely if ever acknowledged the attacks. Because of that he was accused of not being a “polished” politician. This need to be “polished” is exactly why the right couldn’t win the last two elections. Since the campaign by Obama was run mostly on if you attack him at all we will call you a racist, the right never stayed on message. They were constantly backtracking and trying to defend themselves against these claims no matter how baseless they may have been. So not only did this empower the base of the left but it made people on the right feel like their party was out of sync.

Trump was able to defeat this tactic by staying on message no matter what attacks were thrown at him. By doing this he also empowered a lot of people who used to shy away from sharing their opinions and the facts that created those opinions.  No longer was the left able to shut people down by just calling them names. President Trump made it clear that someone calling you something doesn’t make it so, if you stay on message they can’t shut you up. By removing the emotion and just talking about the facts their tactic becomes useless.

This lack of “polish” not only got him to the White House but it empowered a lot of people who felt voiceless. This is not just white males like the media would have you believe. It is all enemies of the left such as black conservatives. Women who don’t feed into the feminist movement. Legal immigrants who came to America to have a better life for themselves and their children. All of these groups who are supposed to be protected by the left but get attacked the first time they refuse to fall in line. This is who President Trump gave a voice during his campaign, and is why he won the White House.

Russia’s motive

This is a question I have not heard answered by anyone who is accusing Russia of hacking the election. It seems when you are placing such heavy charge against a nation and its leader, you should at least provide some motive to go along with your proof. While most articles on the subject lack both of these things they at least try and provide proof by naming anonymous sources. But it doesn’t seem like they ever try and show what exactly the motive was for this massive hack. There have been a few far fetch completely unsubstantiated claims like Trump and people in his cabinet are Russian agents. Outside of that little has been talked about as to motive for this egregious attack on our democracy.

I would like to pose a question to people who believe that this hack really happened and changed the outcome of our election. Why did they do it? What was the Russian motivation that they would risk starting a war with a major superpower by committing an act of cyber warfare? Let’s just say I believe what you say no proof needed, from here on out I believe that Russia hacked the US election. Why did they do it? I feel like that is a very important question. As you can imagine I have a few theories of my own.

Was it to avoid war? During the debates Hillary said multiple times she would implement a no fly zone in Syria where Russia is conducting raids on what are believed to be ISIS strongholds. That sort of move by the US only goes two ways. One the Russians stop flying in the area and give up on their campaign to defeat ISIS in the area. Two they continue their campaign and the US shoots down their planes. The latter would certainly at the least end in a conflict at worst an all out war.

Did they feel like the current administration is not doing everything it can to defeat ISIS? Many people believed that a Clinton administration was going to be an extension of the Obama administration. There have been questions raised on how the Obama administration ran it campaign against ISIS. Some people felt they weren’t tough enough or being aggressive enough. Most of which can be backed up by how much territory they now control in the Middle East. Could this have been a driving force in the hack?

These are just a few ideas as to why this may have happened. While I never would endorse or be ok with any outside country hacking our government. If this is in fact the case and proof eventually shows up these are some interesting questions that will be asked.

H.R. 4919 The bill to have government funding for human tracking technology

Here is a link to the bill  as of this post the bill has passed congress. H.R. 4919

This was brought to my attention by a friend on Facebook, who posted an article that contained a YouTube video of congressman Louie Gohmert talking about his disagreement with the bill. I don’t want to focus to much on the bill itself you can click the link and read it. In my mind government funding of a program to place data collecting tracking technology in anyone is not ok. I want to focus more the reaction my friend got from someone on her Facebook to the article.

So the first post was “Did you read the bill?” and full discloser my reaction was, here we go again. Its a condescending response that was prompted by nothing more than an arrogance that he is the smartest person in the room. From here he tried to argue that there is no ambiguities to be found in the bill. Apparently after his quick read the bill is air tight by his standards. Here is one issue, if you in fact read the bill there is a whole section that is nothing but guidelines for standards of best practices with these tracking technologies. Here are a few examples from the guidelines.

“The criteria used to determine which individuals would benefit from the use of a tracker”

So its not just limited to people with Alzheimer’s or mental illness but anyone they determine would benefit.(This could be used as an excuse to expand the program to anyone)

“The criteria used to determine who should have direct access to the tracking system;”

They said before it would only be approved law enforcement and healthcare providers, but this could be expanded. (This could be used to let the government do full data collection)

“Use of the tracking device over the objection of an individual;”

So they already know they will be giving these to people who might object to having them. And they will set a guideline on how to handle that situation.(This could be used to make these devices mandatory.)

Let’s assume they do follow all of these suggestions and never waver from any of the language in this bill when making this law. The big Pandora’s box of the whole thing is how much about this does the public know? How do you know if they are collecting your data or not?  There was mention in the conversation on Facebook that your cell phone is just a big data collection tool. This was a prefect example of why bills like this are so dangerous. It’s not legal for them to mass collect your cell phone data but they still do it.





Fake news

When I saw this push to censor “fake news” on Facebook because it got Trump elected I had one thought. “Looks like it might be time to delete my Facebook account.” It became immediately clear this was just another fascist left wing push to censor anyone who doesn’t share and push their agenda. I am perfectly aware that there are plenty of fake stories from both sides. But shutting down news that is deemed fake by some outside source, this just reeks of state run media.

Here are the facts, we live in a world where much of our news is procured from the internet. Having grown up along side the internet it was always a joke “But I saw it on the internet so it must be true!”. When did this stop being the case? When did we decide that unless something is fact it shouldn’t be on the internet? The way people used to combat this was by doing their own research, or relying on news that cited sources. I prefer the latter since it is easy for someone to provide links inside of their news articles that can be followed up on.

I have a theory as to why the need to censor “fake news” was triggered by a Trump victory and it isn’t what the media is saying. When Trump first entered the GOP race I didn’t know much about him, obviously I knew who he was but outside of rich and successful I didn’t know much else. Then I started hearing these awful things about how bad of a person he was and racist and so on. Now being conservative leaning libertarian in most of my views I don’t put much stock in any of the mainstream media.

This left me with one choice go out and do my own research and be sure to watch his speeches. As I did this I found that most of what was being reported on him wasn’t true at all. It ranged from flat out lies to misquoting and distorting the truth. While I was already leaning away from the mainstream media this pushed me over the edge. I would guess I get less than 1% of my news from any form of mainstream media be it local or national. I believe this was the case with a lot of people especially as the race to the White House went further and the lies got bigger.

With a Trump victory the media realized they alienated way more people than they thought through this election cycle. Now they are doing the opposite of what they should be doing. This should be a lesson learned situation for them. They should go way back to when they used to report facts and let the people decide for themselves. But instead they are doubling down and trying to discredited any outside media sources. The problem is most people went to these media sources with skepticism, so they were already fact checking. We know these people aren’t lying to us because they never had and then exploited credibility like the mainstream media.

The best way to combat fake news is to treat all news like it’s coming from the internet. While people may not like it, it is the world we live in you need to do some leg work if you want reliable information.