Reactions to a Facebook post: How the left is disconnected from Trump supporters

About 3 days after the election I posted on Facebook (Picture of the post below) basically pointing out how I am seeing a lot of post that generalized all Trump supporters as bigots and racists and so on. Most of the response I got were supportive in nature, mostly from fellow Trump supporters or people who were indifferent. While none of the response I got were nasty or included name calling, I think they did show the disconnect of the left from many Trump supporters.

The first response that got my attention, the post in summery said that I probably wasn’t seeing nasty post from Trump supporters because we agree. And that they had nasty things said to them by Trump supporters.

My first issue with this logic is I never said Trump supporters never say anything wrong. There are bad people on both sides, to not acknowledge that is just being willfully ignorant. The problem is the posts I was talking about were unprovoked attacks. These were post not in response to anyone but just people lashing out at anyone with different beliefs.

I believe most of the nasty response this person was getting were after they commented on pro Trump posts. Again name calling and the like are not called for but a response to a comment and a completely unprovoked post are very different. If I go in and post a negative comment on a pro Hillary post I sort of expect to have some insults thrown my way.

The second response expressed that I won and shouldn’t bother posting things like that, and that the Hillary supporters would police themselves eventually.

My first issue with this stance is that this wasn’t something that just started, now it defiantly escalated post-election but it had been going on for months if not years. While I don’t regret my post one bit, I will be the first to admit it was the culmination of years of frustration. People can dislike it all they want but yes the left calling anyone who disagrees with them racist, bigot, etc. played a role in Trumps victory.

The other thing that provoked me to make this post was just to point out that there are people on the end of your social media insults. I was seeing post from people who I know don’t think the things they were saying about me. But it’s hard for me to not connect the dots that when you say “Anyone who voted for Trump is (Fill in the blank)” you are actually saying “Eric you are a (Fill in the blank)”.

I do think these are two examples of how the left is sort of disconnected from the right, alt right whoever it was that voted for Trump. It’s like sometimes they don’t realize, just ignore or think they are just in their blanket insults. Then they have no problem telling people on the right to just suck it up, while at the same time pander to every SJW that sheds a tear over every micro aggression. And vilifying anyone who isn’t willing to pander to the crybaby SJW’s every whim.



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