My letter to Trump haters

I just want to thank all of the people who bashed Trump supporters and called them Racist, Homophobic, Misogynist and everything else. You are the ones that pushed people to vote for him. You helped campaign for him more than any of my facts. You helped more than any leaked emails. With your nasty hatred that’s what people are sick of. And that’s what made last night happen.

As much as you might hate me, even though you were the ones attacking me and my integrity. As much as you might not want to come to states where he won, which I guess would include my house since he won here. And many of you may unfriend me after this post. Like Tupac said “I aint’t mad at cha”.

I didn’t pick who I voted for because of what was between their legs. I didn’t pick him because of a letter behind his name. I didn’t pick him because I thought he was the lesser of two evils. I picked him because I thought he was the best option for all Americans.

So I’m not going to rub it in anyone’s face that he won. I put a lot of time and effort into looking into things and putting stuff out there during this campaign. The purpose of which was not to beat you, or anyone else. It was to elect the person that I felt was best suited to make things better for everyone. So at the end of the day in my mind this is our victory.

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