Reactions to a Facebook post: How the left is disconnected from Trump supporters

About 3 days after the election I posted on Facebook (Picture of the post below) basically pointing out how I am seeing a lot of post that generalized all Trump supporters as bigots and racists and so on. Most of the response I got were supportive in nature, mostly from fellow Trump supporters or people who were indifferent. While none of the response I got were nasty or included name calling, I think they did show the disconnect of the left from many Trump supporters.

The first response that got my attention, the post in summery said that I probably wasn’t seeing nasty post from Trump supporters because we agree. And that they had nasty things said to them by Trump supporters.

My first issue with this logic is I never said Trump supporters never say anything wrong. There are bad people on both sides, to not acknowledge that is just being willfully ignorant. The problem is the posts I was talking about were unprovoked attacks. These were post not in response to anyone but just people lashing out at anyone with different beliefs.

I believe most of the nasty response this person was getting were after they commented on pro Trump posts. Again name calling and the like are not called for but a response to a comment and a completely unprovoked post are very different. If I go in and post a negative comment on a pro Hillary post I sort of expect to have some insults thrown my way.

The second response expressed that I won and shouldn’t bother posting things like that, and that the Hillary supporters would police themselves eventually.

My first issue with this stance is that this wasn’t something that just started, now it defiantly escalated post-election but it had been going on for months if not years. While I don’t regret my post one bit, I will be the first to admit it was the culmination of years of frustration. People can dislike it all they want but yes the left calling anyone who disagrees with them racist, bigot, etc. played a role in Trumps victory.

The other thing that provoked me to make this post was just to point out that there are people on the end of your social media insults. I was seeing post from people who I know don’t think the things they were saying about me. But it’s hard for me to not connect the dots that when you say “Anyone who voted for Trump is (Fill in the blank)” you are actually saying “Eric you are a (Fill in the blank)”.

I do think these are two examples of how the left is sort of disconnected from the right, alt right whoever it was that voted for Trump. It’s like sometimes they don’t realize, just ignore or think they are just in their blanket insults. Then they have no problem telling people on the right to just suck it up, while at the same time pander to every SJW that sheds a tear over every micro aggression. And vilifying anyone who isn’t willing to pander to the crybaby SJW’s every whim.



Abolish the Electoral College

This has been much of the rallying call behind the Trump protests. To start the popular vote hasn’t been counted to completion yet. As of the time of this post, it is still a razor thin margin of just about 200k votes. So let’s get this out of the way, no matter what happens Hillary did not have some landslide win with the popular vote. She might not even win it when all is said and done.

Something I find interesting is that there was no issue with the Electoral College when Obama won twice. This is interesting because the left should probably always rally against the Electoral College, there are like 3 major cities that would decide every election. And of course those cities are super liberal.

Something else that people need to understand, if they did indeed abolish the Electoral College that means absolutely nothing as far as this election is concerned.  Do you have any clue how much campaign strategies would change if that were the case? I can’t say exactly but I can say for sure they would change drastically. So arguing after an election is over that the electoral college should go away because it would have changed the outcome of this past election is just…….DUMB.

My letter to Trump haters

I just want to thank all of the people who bashed Trump supporters and called them Racist, Homophobic, Misogynist and everything else. You are the ones that pushed people to vote for him. You helped campaign for him more than any of my facts. You helped more than any leaked emails. With your nasty hatred that’s what people are sick of. And that’s what made last night happen.

As much as you might hate me, even though you were the ones attacking me and my integrity. As much as you might not want to come to states where he won, which I guess would include my house since he won here. And many of you may unfriend me after this post. Like Tupac said “I aint’t mad at cha”.

I didn’t pick who I voted for because of what was between their legs. I didn’t pick him because of a letter behind his name. I didn’t pick him because I thought he was the lesser of two evils. I picked him because I thought he was the best option for all Americans.

So I’m not going to rub it in anyone’s face that he won. I put a lot of time and effort into looking into things and putting stuff out there during this campaign. The purpose of which was not to beat you, or anyone else. It was to elect the person that I felt was best suited to make things better for everyone. So at the end of the day in my mind this is our victory.

Look at all of the violence and hate

I was checking out facebook last night to see some of the post before the election. One post that caught my eye was about, while they weren’t endorsing Trump how could anyone vote for Clinton. That didn’t really surprised me, this has been the persons stance the entire campaign. What surprised me was the lone response.

It was a long post that talked about how corrupt Hillary is but how it’s scary what Trump has brought out in people. There was mention of how he brought racists out of the woodwork and they are so violent. He talked about Trumps ego and temperament and how that makes him unfit to run the country. (The guy that has been in power for 8 yrs has one of the biggest egos in the world) After all that he was going to vote for Hillary.

I have some questions.

Where are the racists? Where are all the videos of the violent racist Trump supporters? I would take videos of one or the other but I have never seen them. You are going to have out-liars here and there of course but where are the multitude of videos that make people say these types of things? I know I have seen plenty of videos of Trump supporters being attacked. These aren’t retaliation attacks these are throwing things at people and destroying their cars and other property.

These are the types of leading the sheep to wolves situations the media has purposely created. People say so many negative things about Trump and his supporters like its fact, yet have no proof or facts to back it up. Is he perfect? No. Are his supporters perfect? No. But when you admit you know someone is as corrupt as Hillary Clinton but say you are still going to vote for her because you heard that Trump and his supporters are violent and racists, that is just sad.

You know what’s sad about the Wikileaks

Most people didn’t get it. The Wikileaks wasn’t about sending anyone to jail. It wasn’t about proving a crime. It wasn’t about showing these people are or aren’t involved in satanic rituals. It was about showing the American people the dirty backroom that is American politics. It was to show the American people that these politicians don’t care about the people, they care about being elected so they can line their pockets.

This is something most people thought was happening but there was never much proof. The point was, show the people these politicians are who you thought they were and the people would rise up. That’s why it makes me sad to hear people saying. “Just ignore the emails ” or “They don’t prove any crimes. ” Why would you ignore facts that are being presented to you? Is that something any rational person does? There hasn’t been any question of the authenticity of these emails so why would you ignore them? Do they need to prove crimes?

It is sad to know many of my fellow Americans are ok with being pawns in a game that is rigged against them.

Explaining “rigged” polls

I have seen a lot of people on both sides trying to say rigged polls aren’t real. It seems that many times people don’t understand what rigged polls means . No one is saying that the numbers are just made up. It’s much more involved than that, the rigging involves over sampling and is easy to prove.

Here is a good example of a rigged poll.

So this poll came out yesterday 11/3/16 and has Hillary up 3pts. As you can see they sampled almost twice as many Democrats as Republicans. Normally in a close race independents tend to decide the election. Trump has a substantial lead with independents yet is still losing because the huge gap between Democrats and Republicans. This also explains why many polls with similar over sampling have gotten much closer the last few days. These same polls had Hillary up 12 or so points just a few days ago. Those numbers have tanked since the new information about the FBI investigation. (Most of the national polls ABC and such have been weighting between +8D-+12D the entire election cycle.)

So for example in 2008 the Democrats had a turnout of about +7 in the general election. This poll is assuming the Democrats will have about a +15 better turnout than in 2008. Does anyone really believe Hillary is more popular than 08 Obama? In most polls weighted +1 or +2 in either direction Trump is winning. These polls are more realistic considering the Republicans had a +1 turnout in the primaries. And remember the Republican primaries were over almost a month before the Democrats.

So why do they do this? There are a few theories.

  1. Its a voter suppression tactic. If Trump supporters only hear he is losing the entire cycle they might be more likely to stay home on election night, thinking its a lost cause.
  2. It covers up any funny business that might go on election night. If she was winning in the polls all along its hard to ask questions if she wins.

So next time you hear someone say polls are rigged just think about this stuff before calling them crazy.


Trump voters have to see this video!!!!

I just saw a post on my facebook feed someone liked with the same title as this post. It claimed to show what a flip flopper Trump is and that its so bad you shouldn’t vote for him. Look I get it there are two other people running and an anti Trump post is not a pro Hillary post and vice versa. But lets be honest at this point most people attacking Trump are trying to push people to Clinton. 

Anyway back to this video, I just can’t believe with all that is going on people would post something like this. Is his being a flip flopper worse than her putting classified emails on a private server? Is it worse than the pay to play that has been proven from the wiki leaks emails? Is it worse than her lack of integrity by getting questions in advance for debates?

Even if the video showed him flip flopping does it out weigh all the other stuff that is going on? Is flip flopping really worse than criminal activity? Is it really worse than putting not only individuals but the country in danger with a private server? What about the fact that if anyone did hack the server (which the FBI is now saying is very likely) that they could blackmail the president of the United States Of America. That seems like a much bigger deal than changing your stance on some issues. 

Should candidates be exempt?

I have seen a lot of coverage of how the FBI is influencing the election. How this is inappropriate behavior and they not only shouldn’t be doing it but should be punished. Can we step back for a second and think about what the people that are saying this are asking. They are asking a law enforcement agency to sit on evidence because the suspect is running for president.

Does this seem like a logical argument?

Are you really ok with politicians of all people being above the law?

Do you think that running for president should exempt you from any if not all crimes?

Would it be better if someone was indicted after winning the presidency?

These are all questions I would urge Hillary supporters to ask themselves before getting all ra ra behind these types of articles and statements.